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The Dragon Soul — a post-mortemby - Country Musi...

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The Dragon Soul — a post-mortemby

Started by X179396828, 2013/02/07 03:45AM
Latest post: 2013/02/07 03:45AM, Views: 344, Posts: 1
The Dragon Soul — a post-mortemby
#1   2013/02/07 03:45AM
Dragon Soul as an experience was fascinatingly wow gold diverse compared to previous raids. It eschewed the static finding of some dark cave or towering fortress to instead create a raid wherein we traveled the world, with different environments for the bosses to suit the locations and set pieces for our transitions. One complaint I’ve seen is that by reusing the Dragonblight andWyrmrestTemple, Blizzard’s design team was cutting corners — but frankly, I don’t find that criticism very accurate. First off, Wyrmrest is where the dragonflights typically meet, as demonstrated by Malygos’ assault during the Nexus War, so it makes perfect sense for it to be where Deathwing sends his full Twilight’s Hammer forces to try and crush them.Secondly, there’s no reason Blizzard shouldn’t reuse art assets if and when it makes sense to do so. Sure, it may save time and allow them to devote more development to the complicated Spine and Madness of Deathwing fights, but there’s nothing wrong with doing that at all. The interesting thing about Dragon Soul is how it pulls together every single thread we’ve explored since the Destroyer burst forth from Deepholm. Giant elementals, Faceless Ones who serve the Old Gods, Twilight’s Hammer cultists, a Twilight Dragon, and a wing of Twilight Drakes ridden by more Hammer cultists (including vrykul using the very same models and carrying the same weapons as the Twilight’s Hammer cultists we saw in Ulduar) serve to show us that yes, Deathwing has called in every force he has.All our adventuring and sacking of bastions and descents served a purpose. Narratively speaking, the bosses and trash mobs we fight in the lead up to Deathwing himself are a means to call back to the entire expansion to date and clean sweep it away at the same time, to say thanks to you, this is all that is left — finish them. While it is inevitable that some cultists out there somewhere survived, at the end of the Warmaster encounter, buy wow gold we have demolished the cult leadership and scattered its rank and file.The encounters themselves are a mixed bag for me in terms of the encounter mechanics. Having seen them on all three difficulty levels, I find myself thinking that the Raid Finder versions present the easiest scenarios to sit back and just watch. Any way, have a good time.
Illusions—Mesmers create illusions—mind tricks that manifest themselves physically. Most illusions are directed at a specific target, but anyone can see and attack them. They can only exist for as long as that target is alive and can only be dispelled by attacking the illusion itself. A mesmer can maintain up to three illusions at a time, with the oldest illusion being replaced by the newly created one. There are two types of illusions: clones and phantasms.
Clones—Clones are illusions that look just like the caster, have the caster’s name, and have basic behaviors. Clones have low health and tend to do little damage. For example, a mesmer equipped with a sword has two clone-summoning skills: Leap, which launches him forward, leaving a clone at his location, and Illusionary Leap, which summons a clone at his location that then jumps forward.
Phantasms—Phantasms are illusions that look like the caster but have their own names and carry special illusionary weapons, which look different and have specific behavior. Phantasms are more powerful, having more health and causing more damage. For example, a staff mesmer can summon an illusionary mage that attacks its target and deals extra damage for each inflicted condition.
Mantras—Mantras are a category of cheap wow gold skill that have two phases. The mesmer first activates the mantra, which has a long cast time and replaces that skill slot with an instant-casting skill that the mesmer can then use. Mantras are powerful because many can be charged up before battle and then used in the middle of another spell, without interrupting that spell. For example, Mantra of Pain can charge up into an instant-damage power spike that can be used during a channeled spell, such as the greatsword skill.

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