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tackles (953 solo), 21 1-2 sacks, 19

Started by wxq123, 2014/03/30 10:59AM
Latest post: 2014/03/30 10:59AM, Views: 298, Posts: 1
tackles (953 solo), 21 1-2 sacks, 19
#1   2014/03/30 10:59AM
Renan Barao won a unanimous decision over Urijah Faber to capture the UFC interim batamweight title in the main event at UFC 149 in Calgary on Saturday night. Relive all the action with TSN.cas Fight-By-Fight Breakdown. Fight-by-fight results from UFC 149: Faber vs. Barao. PRELIMINARY CARD Mitch Clarke (9-1-0) vs. Anton Kuivanen (16-5-0) First Round - Edmontons Mitch Clarke is looking to start the night with a win for the Canadian fans. Clarke goes for a takedown right away and scores it in the opening minute. Kuivanen is pinned against the fence as he tries to use the cage to climb back to his feet. Clarke is keeping his shoulder into Kuivanens stomach, holding him down and preventing him from standing up. Kuivanen finally makes it to his feet. Clarke slams Kuivanen down, much to the delight of the home country fans. Kuivanen get a reverse and a takedown of his own, but loses his position and Clarke secures an armbar and almost brings the fight to an end. Clarke then gives up the hold, but gets Kuivanens back. Clarke is looking strong, moving around and attempting several submissions, including a kimura in the final minute. Kuivanen breaks free, but ends up in guard. Scorecard: Clarke (10-9). Second Round - Kuivanen is on the attack right away, but Clarke avoids. Clarke shoots and and eventually gets Kuivanens legs out from under him. Clarke fights for side control and Kuivanen manages to get out and back to standing position. Clarke attempts a kimura, but Kuivanen avoids it and gains top control. Kuivanen goes after a guillotine and loses the hold, but asserts himself. Clarke manages to reverse the position. Clarke takes aim at Kuivanens arm once again, but Kuivanen gets away with ease. Kuivanen then takes top control and into half-mount. Kuivanen stands, but Clarke goes for his legs. Interesting exchange as the round comes to a close, but Kuivanen gets the better of that five minutes. Scorecard: Kuivanen (10-9). Third Round - Kuivanen comes out and lands a kick to the body. Kuivanen appears to catch Clarke with a low kick, but Clarke powers forward and grabs a leg, attempting a takedown. Kuivanen reverses and ends up in top position. Kuivanen catches Clarke in the guillotine, but the Canadian escapes. Kuivanen is maintaining top position as the pair grapple. Kuivanen seems to have more energy at this point in the fight, but Clarke tries for a kimura. Kuivanen gets his arm back, but Clarke grabs a leg and flips Kuivanen. The two fighters end up back in the standup. Kuivanen lands a couple strikes and Clarke tries for a takedown, but is stopped and falls to his back. In the final minute Kuivanens energy is showing as he drops down strikes on Clarke, who is on the ground. Kuivanen lands a powerful knee to Clarke in the last moments. Scorecard: Kuivanen (10-9). Kuivanen wins by Split Decision at 5:00 in the third round. Antonio Carvalho (13-5-0) vs. Daniel Pineda (17-8-0) First Round - Pineda is aggressive off the start, throwing punches. Carvalho checks the early kick from Pineda. Carvalho looks calm as Pineda throws, and Carvalho counters with a body shot. Carvalho goes high with a leg kick, which is blocked, but Carvalho follows with a right hand that drops Pineda to the canvass. Carvalho brings the fight to a close with a few more power punches to his downed opponent. Carvalho wins by Knockout (Punches) at 1:11 in the first round. Mitch Gagnon (8-1-0) vs. Bryan Caraway (16-6-0) First Round - Caraway with a nice left hook to start the fight. Caraway coming forward with the right hand again. Caraway goes to his knees and Gagnon forces him down. Gagnon ends up in Caraways guard. Gagnon lands some punches from the top, but Caraway gets hold of his right arm. Gagnon puts his body weight down on Caraway and forces him to let the arms go. Gagnon then begins a vicious ground and pound. Gagnon is landing punch after punch as the crowd reacts to the Canadians attack. Caraway manages to get back to his feet, but Gagnon gets him against the fence, before slamming him to the canvass. Caraway gets back up to his feet, but Gagnon slams him again. Caraway is up and out quickly, but Gagnon is right on him against the cage. Gagnon knees Caraway from the clinch. Caraway mounts an attack of his own with a combination, then scores a takedown in the final minute. Caraway passes and gets the full mount with 10 seconds left. Gagnon started strong, but Caraway ended strong. Still Gagnon gets the nod in an entertaining round. Scorecard: Gagnon (10-9). Second Round - Gagnon connects with a leg kick. Gagnon is getting the better of the early standup exchanges. Gagnon has Caraway up against the fence and tags him several times. Caraway manages to get a takedown and gets Gagnons back. Caraway starts throwing punches as he goes to work on Gagnon, who now looks very tired after the relentless pace he started with. Caraway is taking his time and landing punches and moves into full back mount. Gagnon is struggling to defend himself now. Caraway moves into full mount and is taking advantage of his tired opponent. Caraway takes Gagnons back again as the Canadian tries to escape. Gagnon reverses and gets Caraways back. Caraway tries to get away and Gagnon goes for a guillotine. The two fighters end up back on their feet and Gagnon lands a nice knee as the round ends. Caraway controlled most of the round. Scorecard: Caraway (10-9). Third Round - Gagnon comes out and is visibly tired, but not backing down. Caraway scores a takedown and gets Gagnons back with relative ease. Caraway has a body triangle locked in and Gagnon is going to have a tough time escaping with three and a half minutes left in the round. Caraway gets his arm under Gagnons neck and locks in the rear-naked choke. Gagnon tries to break free, but cannot. Gagnon taps. Caraway wins by Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) at 1:39 in the third round. Ryan Jimmo (16-1-0) vs. Anthony Perosh (13-6-0) First Round - Edmontons Ryan Jimmo comes out and touches gloves with Perosh and then seconds later lands a right hand to the chin and Perosh goes limp, falling to the canvass. Jimmo lands one more punch before the referee can get in a call it. Jimmo ties the fastest knockout in UFC history. Jimmo wins by Knockout (Punch) at 0:07 in the first round. Roland Delorme (8-1-0) vs. Francisco Rivera (8-2-0) First Round - Edmontons Ryan Jimmo comes out and touches gloves with Perosh and then seconds later lands a right hand to the chin and Perosh goes limp, falling to the canvass. Jimmo lands one more punch before the referee can get in a call it. Jimmo ties the fastest knockout in UFC history. Rivera catches Delormes leg and fires back. Delorme lands a left hook. Rivera goes high with a kick, but its checked. Delorme connects with a right hand and gives the fans something to cheer for. Delorme comes in on the attack and Rivera catches him with a left hand that drops Delorme. Two more shots to the head once Delorme reaches the ground and the referee calls it. Impressive performance by Rivera. Rivera wins by Knockout (Punches) at 4:19 in the first round. Nick Ring (12-1-0) vs. Court McGee (13-2-0) First Round - McGee comes out and clips Ring with a head kick. Ring throws a couple kicks of his own, one to the leg and one up high that is checked. McGee catches Ring with a combination. McGee gets the better of another exchange with a combination. Ring goes for a takedown, but is stopped. Ring lands a good front kick to the body. RingRing connects on a right hook and caught him on the chin. Both fighters are trying to time their opponents ti find an edge. Ring is moving well and lands another kick to the body. McGee delivers one final inside leg kick as the round ends. Very close round, but well give it to the Canadian. Scorecard: Ring (10-9). Second Round - McGee is cutting off the octagon as Ring moves around. Ring goes to work on McGees lead leg with kicks. The fighters both attempt head kicks, but fail to do any damage. McGee chases Ring with a combination. The fighters continue to stand together and McGee gets another combination to land. McGee finally connects on a head kick. Ring tags McGee with a straight shot and Ring moves in to take advantage. Rings straight left lands yet again and McGee is bleeding badly from his nose. McGee goes for a late takedown attempt, his first of the fight, but is stuffed by Ring. McGee had the momentum, but Ring comes on strong late. Still a very close fight for the judges to call, but McGee gets the second early. Scorecard: McGee (10-9). Third Round - McGee starts with a flurry and Ring counters in the opening minute of the third. The Calgary crowd is cheering on their hometown fighter. The fight is stopped briefly to address some pieces of tape hanging off Rings gloves. When the fight resumes, Ring lands another straight right. McGee answers with uppercuts. Ring lands a right hand clean, but McGee throws hard in response. McGee is now chasing Ring around the octagon. McGee is landing shot after shot on Ring, who seems to be tired at this point in the bout. Ring is having trouble defending in the standup and McGee is continous in his approach. Ring catches McGee coming in, to slow McGee momentarily. McGee and Ring drop to the canvass as they grapple. McGee tries for a submission, but Ring rolls on top and gets side control as the round comes to an end. McGee was too much for the Canadian late in a close bout. Scorecard: McGee (10-9). Ring wins by Unanimous Decision at 5:00 in the third round. MAIN CARD Chris Clements (11-4-0) vs. Matthew Riddle (6-3-0) First Round - Riddle closes the distance early and gets a takedown on his first attempt. Clements gets up fairly quickly and the two exchange strikes. Clements throws a nice elbow, and the two lock up. Clements gets the best of the encounter landing an uppercut. Riddle gets clear and keeps his distance. Riddle lands a solid knee and the two fighters clinch. Riddle hits Clements with a strong body kick and Clements bends over. The referee thinks Clements got hit low and briefly stops the fight. The fight resumes and Riddle scores another takedown. Riddle begins to ground and pound, but Clements makes his way back to his feet. Riddle gets him back down and spins around to his back. Riddle decides to let Clements back up and once standing, Clements lands an uppercut. Interesting round, but Riddle seemed to be in more control. Scorecard: Riddle (10-9). Second Round - Riddle still throwing the heavy leg kicks to the body. Clements delivers a spinning back fist. Riddle pins Clements against the cage and fights to get him down. Riddle moves around and takes Clements back. Riddle gets the body lock in and begins punching away to the side of Clements head. With three minutes left, Clements is in trouble this round. Riddle continues to work Clements with punches, but Clements lands a strong elbow. Riddle lets go and moves over and into side control. Riddle is the much better grappler, but Clements is defending with elbows to Riddle who has his back. Clements finally gets back to his feet and throws a powerful kick to Riddles body. Riddle attempts a takedown and is stuffed. Clements doesnt let him get up and dives in for some ground and pound in the final seconds. Riddle still controlled the round too much for Clements to steal it late. Scorecard: Riddle (10-9). Third Round - Clements lands a good kick to the body and just misses on a big uppercut. Clements lands a good right hand and is coming on strong early in the second. Riddle locks Clements up near the fence but they break. Riddle goes high with a kick to the head, but Clements just smiles. Riddle weathers the storm with a takedown tries for a submission, but Clements gets back to his feet. Riddle locks in a standing arm triangle and gets it tight. Clements cant escape and the two fighters fall to the ground. Clements is forced to tap. Riddle wins by Submission (Arm Triangle) at 2:02 in the third round. Brian Ebersole (50-14-1,1NC)vs. James Head (8-2-0) First Round - Ebersole goes for the takedown right away, but Head sprawls and fends him off. Ebersole shoots again and Head defends it well. Head lands some powerful shots, a strong right hand and a big knee to the body. Head delivers another knee out of the clinch. Head gets Ebersole up against the cage and connects with a few strikes. Ebersole counters with a nice right hand. Ebersole tries for the takedown yet again and is stopped. Head goes for the guillotine and has one locked in and somehow Ebersole slips out. Ebersole then moves into guard over Head. Ebersolelands a big shot to Head who was on his back. The two fighters stand back up and Ebersole attempts a cartwheel kick that misses and Head jumps on top of him. Bizarre round and we give it to Ebersole. Scorecard: Ebersole (10-9). Second Round - Ebersole goes for the takedown and Head sprawls and gets away. Head is controlling the centre of the octagon. Ebersole lands a stiff left hand. Ebersole gets double underhooks and pushes Head against the cage. Head moves away and Ebersole remains awkward with a karate chop to Heads leg. Ebersole shoots again, but Head continues to defend well. Ebersole waits low and lands an uppercut. Head connects with a knee, but Ebersole moves into him and gets Head down. Ebersole moves Head away from the cage, as Ebersole ends up in Heads guard. With 30 seconds left Ebersole drops some shoulder strikes. Head sweeps and flips Ebersole. Another close round, but Head did enough to take the second. Scorecard: Head (10-9). Third Round - Ebersole shoots and is stuffed, just like every other round. Head lands a good right hand and Ebersole counters with a kick. Head fends off another takedown attempt. Ebersole tries again for another takedown and Head pushes him off. A nice knee by Head connects on Ebersole. Head takes Ebersoles back in the standup and trips up Ebersole, scoring a takedown. Head stops another takedown and the crowd is getting bored and letting their thoughts be heard. Ebersole wont stop trying for the takedowns and Head is stuffing him at every opportunity. Head goes for a submission, and Ebersole avoids it and gets in side control, landing a few shots before the fight ends. Strange fight to call. Ebersole wasnt able to mount enough of an attack to get it on our card. Scorecard: Head (10-9). Head wins by Split Decision at 5:00 in the third round. Cheick Kongo (27-7-2) vs. Shawn Jordan (13-3-0) First Round - Kongo with a significant reach advantage of almost seven inches in this bout. Jordan gets Kongo against the fence and into the clinch. Kongo forms a nice base to defend the takedown. Jordan is really trying to get the takedown, but Kongo is avoiding the takedown well. Kongo slips around and takes Jordans back in the standup near the cage. The referee calls time after Kongo takes an elbow to the groin while grappling. Kongo seems to be in a lot of pain. The fights starts back up and Kongo picks up the pace. The fighters end up back in the clinch, with Kongo pinning Jordan against the cage. Jordan flips things and tries hard for a takedown, but is once again unable. Not much damage done in that round, but Kongo takes it. Scorecard: Kongo (10-9). Second Round - Kongo lands a knee in the opening moments. It doesnt take long before we are back in the clinch against the fence. Both fighters are battling for control. Jordan goes after another takedown, but once Kongo gets some space he throws a series of strikes. Kongo delivers a pair of strong right hands and gets Jordan against the cage. Kongo seems like the much more loose fighter and has control over Jordan as they grapple. Kongo tries to get his left hook in to pull Jordan down and take his back, but Kongo slips and Jordan ends up on top. Kongo pays for the mistake and Jordan lands a few shots on his downed opponent. Jordan failed to do much damage, but its another uneventful round thats won by the veteran Kongo. Scorecard: Kongo (10-9). Third Round - The fight quickly moves against the cage in the first minute of the third. Kongo is using his veteran experience to get the better of the grappling. Jordan is going after another takedown and its bringing the fight to a stand still. Kongo lands a knee in the clinch and as Jordan pulls away Kongo slips to the canvass. Jordan throws an uppercut in close, but Kongo continues to dominate the clinch. Both fighters are leaning on each other and while they are battling, neither fighter is able to get anything significant going. Kongo lands another knee in the clinch. Kongo is exhausted after the fight, but he did enough to win. Scorecard: Kongo (10-9). Kongo wins by Unanimous Decision at 5:00 in the third round. Hector Lomard (31-2-1,1NC) vs. Tim Boetsch (15-4-0) First Round - Boetsch using the front kick early to keep him at a distance. Boetsch goes for a takedown and gets stuffed by Lombard. Lombard lands a clean uppercut to Boetsch. Lombard gets the takedown against the fence and has Boetsch pinned on the cage. Boetsch delivers a leg kick. Lombard connects on a left hand. Boetsch shoots and Lombard slips, but escapes. Boetsch continues to work the kicks to keep space between him and Lombard. Boetsch goes for a takedown and is stopped again. A few more small exchanges take place, but nothing significant to close out the round. Lombard landed the bigger shots, but Boetsch did well in the opening frame. Scorecard: Lombard (10-9). Second Round - Lombard lands a big left hand over the top. Lombard catches Boetsch with the jab and follows with another strong punch. Boetsch goes for a superman punch that misses and Lombard responds quickly with punches of his own. Lombards strikes are extremely quick and accurate, but he is showing no sense of urgency in this fight. Lombard stands flat footed and dares his opponent to attack. Lombard connects on a kick to the body and Boetsch reacts, which Lombard sees and immediately takes action. Lombard jumps on his wounded opponent and Lombard lands a few strikes. Boetsch gets back to his feet and grapples around, ending up pinned to the fence in the standup. Another round that was surprisingly quiet, but Lombard once again landed the more important strikes. Scorecard: Lombard (10-9). Third Round - Boetsch starts things off with a good inside leg kick. Lombard answers with a kick and a punch. Lombard stalks Boetsch, but is still not attacking like many expected him to. Boetsch throws another superman punch that misses again, and Lombard counters with a left hand. Boetsch goes for the takedown, but Lombard easily stops him. The two lock up and fail to the ground, but it was a trip and not a takedown. The crowd has begun booing with two minutes left because of the lack of action in this bout. Lombard gets his hands around Boetsch, lifts him up and puts him down for his second takefown of the fight. Boetsch lands a late knee, but it remains a very disappointing fight. This was not what the UFC was expecting when they signed Lombard, but he should get the win. Scorecard: Lombard (10-9). Boetsch wins by Split Decision at 5:00 in the third round. Urijah Faber (26-5-0) vs. Renan Barao (30-1-0,1NC)Interim Bantamweight Championship First Round - Barao throws two head kicks, but misses on both. Faber initiates contact, but Barao counters with a few punches. Both fighters are throwing kicks, but have yet to do any serious damage. Barao is working Fabers lead leg, much like Jose Aldo did in Fabers last bout. Barao lands a solid knee to the body. Faber isnt scared to engage, but Barao appears to be the faster fighter. Barao is throwing a wide variety of strikes and keeping Faber off balance. Strong opening round for both fighters, but Barao landed more strikes. Scorecard: Barao (10-9). Second Round - Faber is changing his stance to avoid the lead leg kicks. Barao chases Faber and lands a right hand. Barao is still looking for the high kicks. Faber accidentally pokes Barao in the eye and the fight is temporarily stopped by the referee. Faber seems to be struggling to close the distance and connect on his strikes. Barao throws a flying knee, followed by several punches. Faber lands a right hand clean, then an inside leg kick. Barao fires a kick that skims over the top of Fabers head just missing. Neither fighter has gone for a takedown yet in this fight. Barao continues to get the better of the exchanges. Baraos leg kicks are beginning to take their toll on Faber. Scorecard: Barao (10-9). Third Round - Faber tries to fake and throw a right hand over the top, but Barao powers forward and lands a combination on Faber. Faber connects on a right hand. Barao is chopping down Faber in the exact same fashion that Jose Aldo did. Faber is still moving well and attempting to mount offence. Faber shoots, but is stopped. Faber lands an uppercut and Barao keeps coming forward. Barao scores a right hand. Barao lands possibly his most damaging leg kick of the fight. Fabers lead leg is showing the effects. A stiff jab from Barao, connects on Fabers face. Scorecard: Barao (10-9). Fourth Round - This is the first time Barao has gone this deep into a fight, while Faber has reached the championship rounds four times. Faber goes for a single, but Barao slips his leg away. Faber is still throwing punches, but is having trouble closing the distance. Faber gets the referee to call time after he is poked in the eye. Faber is alright and the fight continues. Barao lands a left right to Fabers cheek. Fabers right hand finds Baraos face as well. Barao throws two spinning kicks, and Faber is able to block the second and push Barao back. Barao delivers a combination, going to the body first and then to the head. Barao is one round away from the interim title. Scorecard: Barao (10-9). Fifth Round - Faber needs a stoppage here in the final round to steal this fight. Barao doesnt appear to be pushing for a knockout and Faber doesnt seem to have the power anymore to finish this. Faber grabs onto Baraos legs a couple of times, but Barao slips away. Barao is holding his hand out, moving towards Faber and Barao clips Faber with a left hook. Barao lands a leg kick that moves Fabers whole body. The final minute arrives and Barao is in complete control. The main event comes to a close and Barao is the winner. Scorecard: Barao (10-9). Barao wins by Unanimous Decision at 5:00 in the fifth round. Cheap NFL Jerseys wholesale . The 27-year-old Layne was 0-5 with a 3.28 ERA in 32 games, including two starts, at San Antonio. The Padres acquired Layne from the Arizona Diamondbacks for cash considerations on May 3. cheap jerseys from china . Fiers (8-6) held the Cubs to four hits and struck out six, helping Milwaukee beat its division rival for the 13th time in 16 games this season. The Brewers have won eight of their last nine overall and moved within five games of . http://www.cheapjerseysfreeship... . 14-20. 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Peterson can play inside and outside LB, and with middle linebacker Lofa Tatupu battling a chest injury, Peterson will proviide some depth for the Falcons.dddddddddddd. Last year, Peterson played in 15 games with five starts. He made 27 tackles (16 solo) while adding one interception and two passes defenced. He has 1,611 tackles (953 solo), 21 1-2 sacks, 19 interceptions, 52 passes defenced, nine forced fumbles and nine fumble recoveries during his 13-year NFL career. ' ' '

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